She's So High - There's no other way (UK + US version) - Bang - Popscene - For Tomorrow - Chemical World - Sunday Sunday - Girls & Boys - Girls & Boys (Pet Shop Boys) - Parklife - To the End (with and without gun) - End of a Century - To the End (La Comédie) - Country House - Charmless Man - Stereotypes - The Universal - Beetlebum - Song 2 - On Your Own - M.O.R. - Tender - Coffee&TV - No Distance Left To Run - Music Is My Radar - Tomorrow Comes Today by Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz - 19-2000 by Gorillaz - Rock The House by Gorillaz - Out Of Time
EMI France EDV 140 (includes Girls & Boys - Parklife - Country House - The Universal - Charmless Man)
Starshaped with promo videos (1993)
Face directed by Antonia Bird starring Damon Albarn
1991 :
Top of the Pops, BBC There's no other way
Reading Festival, camcorder
1. Explain ; 2. Bang ; 3. High Cool ; 4. Bad Day ; 5. Oily Water ; 6. She's So High ; 7. Turn It Up ; 8. There's No Other Way ; 9. Wear Me Down ; 10. Mr Briggs ; 11. Slow Down ; 12. Come Together
Dennis Miller Show There's no other way
Rapido, Canal +, interview + clips from High Cool, Wear Me Down
Town & Country Club, London
1. I know ; 2. Come Together ; 3. High Cool ; 4. Wear Me Down; 5. Bang ; 6. Bad Day ; 7. Inertia ; 8. Slow Down ; 9. I'm All Over ; 10. She's So High ; 11. There's No Other Way ; 12. Day Upon Day ; 13. Explain ; 14. Uncle Love
Aéronef, Lille (18/10/91) Come Together (the end of the concert)
1992 :
The New Music, Canadian TV (interview + clips from Brixton Academy, London)
Glastonbury Festival, camcorder
1. Popscene ; 2. Come Together ; 3. Headist / Into Another ; 4. Never Clever ; 5. She's So High ; 6. Oily Water ; 7. Colin Zeal ; 8. Luminous ; 9. Sunday Sunday ; 10. Pressure On Julian ; 11. There's No Other Way ; 12. Coping ; 13. Day Upon Day
MTV, Rosklide Festival, Denmark
The Word, Channel 4, UK Popscene
1993 :
Köhln Music Hall, Rocklife Mit Blur, WDR, Germany
Intermission, Popscene, Come Together, Colin Zeal, She's So High, Sunday Sunday, Oily Water, Commercial Break, There's No Other Way, Parklife, Chemical World, Coping, For Tomorrow, Advert
For Tomorrow
MTV's most wanted, For Tomorrow - acoustic version
Late Night with Conon O'Brien Chemical World
Live at the Kilburn Theatre (40 mns)
Live in Rimini Ethos, Italy, 1993, camcorder (57mns)
Intermission, Popscene, Colin Zeal, Sunday Sunday, She's So High, Girls & Boys, Bank Holiday, Pressure On Julian, Commercial Break, There's No Other Way, Chemical World, Coping, Daisy Bell, For Tomorrow, Advert
1994 :
MTV in concert gig, Leeds Town & Country Club, Leeds, England, camcorder
Lot 105, Jubilee, Girls & Boys, Popscene, To The End, Advert, End Of A Century, Parklife, Bank Holiday, This Is A Low
Sonoria Festival,Milano, 6 tracks from TV footage, camcorder
MTV 1st Look (Shot of the Parklife promo video)
120 minutes, acoustic versions of To the End + Parklife
MTV's most wanted Parklife - acoustic version
Top of the Pops, BBC, Girls & Boys
The Ally Pally Gig, London, End of a Century
Top of the Pops, BBC, End of a Century
Live MTV Studio, This a low
Portrait de Blur, The Parklife, M6
Blur .... à l'époque de Parklife, MTV
Dance Machine 3, M6
NPA, Canal +, Girls & Boys
Blur at the Shepherd's Bush Empire, 26 & 27 May 94
1. Lot 105 ; 2. Sunday Sunday ; 3. Jubilee ; 4.Tracy Jacks ; 5. She's So High ; 6. Girls & Boys ; 7. London Loves ; 8. Trouble in the Message Center ; 9. Chemical World; 10. Popscene ; 11. To The End ; 12. Advert ; 13. The Debt Collector ; 14. End of a Century ; 15. Parklife (feat. Phil Daniels) ; 16. There's No Other Way ; 17. For Tomorrow ; 18. Bank Holiday ; 19. Anniversary Waltz ; 20. This Is A Low
+ Blur live on Naked City TV Special, 30 May 94
Jubilee ; Girls & Boys ; Parklife ; Bank Holiday ; London Loves ; Chemical World (half of it)
Blur At Glastonbury 94, camcorder (57 mns)
Intro, Sunday Sunday, Jubilee, Tracy Jacks, Magic America, End of a Century, For Tomorrow, Chemical World, There's No Other Way, To The End, Advert, Parklife, Girls & Boys, Bank Holiday, This is a Low
Blur At Glastonbury 94, TV (25mns)
To The End, Advert, Parklife, Girls & Boys, Bank Holiday, This is a Low
1995 :
Brit Awards
MTV Europe Music Awards
Brit-pop Now Live (with Damon Albarn)
Top of the Pops, BBC, Country House
NPA, Canal +, Charmless Man, Country House
MCM News
Most Wanted Blur's Day, MTV
MCM Passengers
Later with J. Holland, BBC
Blur-ography, MTV
Top of the Pops, BBC, Country House
Top of the Pops, BBC, Country House - Alex has an Oasis T-shirt on
Top of the Pops, BBC, Jubilee
The White Room, Channel 4, Waterloo Sunset with Ray Davies
Ozone (interview + clips from Mile End)
interview + clips from Les Eurockéennes, MTV
Fielle Festival, Ireland, MTV
Le Bataclan, Paris, 26/10/95 - 85 mn - very good
1. Charmless Man ; 2. Jubilee ; 3. Popscene ; 4. End Of A Century ; 5. Tracy Jacks ; 6. Mr.Robinson's Quango ; 7. Instrumental - Frère Jacques ; 8. To The End ; 9. Fade Away ; 10. It Could Be You ; 11. Stereotypes ; 12. Supa Shoppa ; 13. Girls & Boys ; 14. Advert ; 15. Bank Holiday ; 16. Country House ; 17. This Is A Low ; 18. Entertain Me ; 19. He Thought of Cars ; 20. Parklife ; 21. Globe Alone ; 22. The Universal
Le Zénith, Paris, 23/11/95 The Universal
1996 :
Top of the Pops, BBC, Stereotypes
Le Mag MCM, Special Blur
Roxy Bar, MV, Italy
40 TV, Madrid, It Could Be You
NPA, Canal +, Charmless Man
Top of the Pops, BBC, Charmless Man
Olympia, Paris, camcorder (85 mns)
NPA, Canal + (interview de Damon // Trainspotting)
Taratata, France 2
Hit Party
Damon vs Liam Gallagher (football)
Doctor Music Festival, Spain
The White Room, Channel 4, Charmless Man, It Could Be You, Mr. Robinson's Quango
T.F.I., Stereotypes
Planet Rock Profiles : Interview of Damon in Ireland, VH-1
1997 :
Live at the Astoria + interview + Beetlebum promo video, Fuji International Productions
(Japanese documentary - 1 hour 29 mns)
Blur History including interview bits + promo videos for She's So High, Popscene, Girls & Boys, Charmless Man & Song 2 (Japanese documentary, Wowow TV - 21'40")
Live at the Astoria (non official vid)
NPA, Canal +, Beetlebum
Brit Awards
Rock Express, M6
Tracks, Arte
MTV news
MTV Spotlight Europe Music Awards
Beetlebum live MCM
Blur vs Loaded (football)
Portrait Blur, Paris 1Ère
Song 2 (Astoria )
MCM news
Le Mag, MCM (Damon & Graham interview)
Live at V '97 festival, Chelmsford, England, Saturday August 16, 1997, camcorder
Beetlebum, Stereotypes, Movin’ On, M.O.R., There’s No Other Way, Globe Alone, Country Sad Ballad Man, To The End, Popscene, Chinese Bombs, Advert, Bank Holiday, Girls & Boys, Death of a Party (cut off)
Milano '97, camcorder (15/05/97)
Extra Schssssss, tve 2, interview + Beetlebum, Song 2
Dia Laborale, Italy, RAIDUE, Beetlebum, Song 2
Live in Seoul, Korea (54 mns)
Intro, Beetlebum, M.O.R., There’s No Other Way, Movin’ On, Badhead, Country Sad Ballad Man, Girls & Boys, Death of a Party, This is a Low, The Universal, On Your Own, Parklife, Song 2
1998 :
Glastonbury, BBC
Glastonbury, MCM (avec sous-titres en français)
Girls & Boys, Beetlebum, Popscene, M.O.R., There's No Other Way, This Is A Low, Parklife, The Universal, Death of A Party, Essex Dogs, Song 2
Damon aux MTV Europe Music Awards
1999 :
Live in Stockholm + Damon interview for Fan Club, Sweden, Song 2
Musica Si, tve 1 (Damon interview)
Top of the Pops, BBC, Tender
San Remo Festival, RAI 1, Tender
Le Mag, MCM (incl. Tender promo video)
Hit Machine, M6, Tender
Taratata, RAI 1, Song 2, Tender, Beetlebum
NPA, Canal +, Tender, Bugman
Septimo de Caballeria, tve1, Tender, Trimm Trabb, Beetlebum, Song 2
Late Show with David Letterman, Tender
"13" live, BBC gig, March 10, Depot Studios, BBC2
BLUREMI, NDLTR, Tender, Battle, Beetlebum, Bugman, Trimm Trabb, Mellow Song, Song 2
Blur Night, VH1 (Interview of Blur)
MTV news interview
NPA, Canal +, Tender, B.L.U.R.E.M.I., Song 2
Graham&Dave interview, VIVA
Musica Si, tve 1, Song 2, Tender
The Flipside, World Beat, CNN (Blur interview)
Solo Musica (Alex interview)
Live "Basico 40" (4/June/99)
Tender, Bugman, Coffee & TV, Swamp Song, 1992, BLUREMI, Battle, Mellow Song, TrailerPark, Trimm Trabb, NDLTR, Blue Jeans, Song 2
Tender (meddley Blur Live in Stockholm), M6
Top of the Pops, BBC Prime (Coffee & TV)
News, MTV (interviews & clips of Coffee & TV)
Quart Festival, MTV (small clip of Coffee & TV)
X-Games, Eurosport (skateboarding/Song 2)
TV ad for Blurday (VH-1, M2)
The O'Zone, BBC Prime (Blur in Japan)
'99 MTV European Music Awards
The Southside Festival, Germany, June 99
Tender, No Distance Left To Run, Beetlebum, Song 2
Flash, M6Music (News : Blur interviewed in Paris, 15/9/99)
Tracks, Arte (interview + Bugman live at the Paris gig, 15/9/99)
MCM, news (Blur Bugman live at the Paris gig, 15/9/99)
Top of the Pops, BBC Prime, No Distance Left To Run
Live at Reading, MCM, No Distance Left To Run, Beetlebum, Song 2
South Bank Show, ITV, Nov'. '99
Live at Luna Park Stadium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. '99 (1: 41)
Tender, Stereotypes, Bugman, Coffee & TV, End Of A Century, On Your Own, Popscene, Battle, B.L.U.R.E.M.I., Trimm Trabb, No Distance Left To Run, Beetlebum, The Universal, Girls & Boys, Country House, There's No Other Way, Parklife, This Is A Low, Song 2
Later with Jools Holland, Tender, NDLTR, Bugman + interview
Damon interviewed after the Q Awards, VH-1
Planet Rock Profiles : Interview of Damon & Graham, VH-1
A-sides concert, Wembley Arena (49 mns)
I Know, She's So High, There's No Other Way, Girls & Boys, To The End, Parklife, The Universal, Beetlebum, Song 2, Tender, Coffee & TV
London Wembley Arena
I Know, She's So High, There's No Other Way, Bang, Popscene, For Tomorrow, Chemical World, Sunday Sunday, Girls & Boys, To The End, Parklife (with Phil Daniels). End Of A Century, Country House, The Universal, Stereotypes, Charmless Man, Beetlebum, Song 2, On Your Own, M.O.R., Tender (with London Community Gospel Choir), Coffee & TV, No Distance Left To Run
2000 :
Ravenous directed by Antonia Bird, score by Damon Albarn & Michael Nyman
Françoise Hardy Interview,Flash, M6Music (Oct 00)
Blur on Conan (Nov. 00)
JDM with Graham Coxon, MCM (Nov. 00)
NPA, Canal + (interview + Song 2) (Nov 00)
Later with Jools Holland, Music Is My Radar, Black Book, Girls & Boys, Song 2 + intv
2001 :
the '24 Hours In Soho' series presented by Alex James
the Beagle 2 programme
Gorillaz on Big Breakfast (March)
Gorillaz on Select, MTV (with Jamie Hewlett & Damon Albarn) (April 01)
Gorillaz on JDM, MCM (with Jamie Hewlett & Damon Albarn) (May 01)
Gorillaz at La Cigale, Paris, June 22, 2001
Gorillaz Special, MTV2 (with Jamie Hewlett & Damon Albarn + promo videos of 19-2000, Clint Eastwood, Tomorrow Comes Today) (11/09/01) (with & without French subtitles)
MTV Europe Music Awards (spotlights with Jamie Hewlett & Damon Albarn: Best New Act, Best Group, Best Song)
MTV Europe Music Awards (ceremony with Jamie Hewlett & Damon Albarn: award for Best Dance: Damon's CND speech ; promo video of Rock The House ; award for Best Song: Gorillaz thank-you speech)
2002 :
Brit Awards, ab1
BBCfour, Damon's diary + Live at The Barbican - Mali Music (9 April 02)
1. Bamako City ; 2. Niger ; 3. Ko Kan Ko Sata Doumbia On River ; 4. Ko Kan Ko Sata ; 5. Institut National des Arts ; 6. Le Relax ; 7. Afel Bocoum (song dedicated to Ali Farka Touré) ; 8. Afel Bocoum ; 9. The Djembe ; 10. Sunset Coming On ; 11. Le Hogon
JDM with Afel Bocoum & Damon Albarn, MCM (April 02)
Gorillaz at the Isle of MTV, Lisbon, Portugal Tomorrow Comes Today, Clint Eastwood, Rock The House, 19-2000, 911 + tiny bit of Damon interview (July 02)
2003 :
Brand Spanking New Music Week Crazy Beat, Good Song, Out Of Time, Ambulance + interview bits
Blur weekend, MTV2 : Blur Live Out Of Time, Crazy Beat, Good Song, Caravan, Trimm Trabb, Ambulance, Gene by Gene + interview bits
CD' Aujourd'hui, France 2 (extracts from the April 9th concert at Malakoff)
RG/RD, Paris 1ère (Blur talk about Think Tank at Malakoff)
Bitesize, MTV (interview bits + promo videos)
Astoria Theatre, 8th May 03
1. Ambulance ; 2. Moroccan People's Revolutionary Bowls Club ; 3. Out Of Time ; 4. Beetlebum; 5. Girls & Boys ; 6. Good Song ; 7. Badhead ; 8. Gene By Gene ; 9. Topman ; 10. For Tomorrow ; 11. Brothers & Sisters ; 12. Crazy Beat ; 13. Song 2 ; 14. Trimm Trabb ; 15. Battery in Your Leg ; 16. Popscene ; 17. On the Way to the Club ; 18. We've Got A File On You ; 19. This Is A Low
bonus items :
CD :UK 5/4/2003 - Out Of Time
T4 6/4/2003 - Out Of Time
Total length: 95 mns
Overdrive, VIVA, Köln E-Werk, 18/05/03
1. Beetlebum ; 2. Girls & Boys ; 3. Gene By Gene ; 4. Sweet Song ; 5. Caravan ; 6. Out Of Time ; 7. Crazy Beat ; 8. Brothers & Sisters ; 9. Song 2 ; 10. Battery in Your Leg ; 11. Popscene ; 12. We've Got A File On You X 3 ; 13. On the Way to the Club
Concert du Bataclan, Paris, 19/05/03, MCM
1. Ambulance ; 2. Beetlebum ; 3. Girls & Boys ; 4. Badhead ; 5. Gene By Gene ; 6. For Tomorrow ; 7. Sweet Song ; 8. Moroccan People's Revolutionary Bowls Club ; 9. Tender ; 10. Caravan ; 11. Out Of Time ; 12. Crazy Beat ; 13.. Brothers & Sisters ; 14. Song 2 ; 15. Trimm Trabb ; 16. Battery in Your Leg ; 17. Popscene ; 18. On the Way to the Club ; 19. We've Got A File On You ; 20. This Is A Low
TV Total, Pro Sieben, Crazy Beat
Reading 2003, MTV2 (itw bit, Out Of Time)
Trafic Musique, France 2, David Bowie/Damon Albarn duet of Fashion (click here to view photos from the show)
Tempodrom, Berlin, 20/10/03, Music Planète 2nite, ARTE (38mns)
girls & boys, out of time, end of a century, file on you, battery in your leg, song 2, brothers & sisters, this is a low
2010 :
Gorillaz Show for Canal +, La Musicale, 24 November 2010
1. Orchestral Intro (Extended) ; 2. Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach (with Hypnotic Brass Ensemble) ; 3. Last Living Souls ; 4. Stylo (with Bobby Womack) (and Bootie Brown) ; 5. On Melancholy Hill ; 6. Rhinestone Eyes ; 7. Superfast Jellyfish (with De La Soul) ; 8. Tomorrow Comes Today ; 9. Empire Ants (with Yukimi Nagano) ; 10. Broken (with Hypnotic Brass Ensemble) (Extended) ; 11. Dirty Harry (with Bootie Brown) ; 12. Doncamatic ; 13. El Mañana ; 14. White Flag (with Bashy and Kano) ; 15. To Binge (with Yukimi Nagano) ; 16. Glitter Freeze ; 17. Plastic Beach ; 18. Cloud of Unknowing (with Bobby Womack) ; 19. Feel Good Inc. (with De La Soul) ; 20. Clint Eastwood (with Bashy and Kano)
Undated :
MTV (interview + clips from Colin Zeal, Pressure on Julian, Popscene)
Bang, 8.15 from Manchester
The Late Show, Parklife, Girls & Boys, End of a Century, This is a Low
Ozone (interview + clips from Parklife video, Girls& Boys video, End of a Century)
K.C.C., MuchMusic (interview + clips from End of a Century, + videos)
T.O.T.P.- Jubilee-End of a Century- Stereotypes
Later with J. Holland, BBC (Parklife, Bank Holliday)
T.F.I. (interview + clips from Damon playing football at Wembley, Charmless Man
Smash Hits Award acceptance
Damon & Paula Yates "on the bed"
MTV, Britpop
NPA, Canal +, Françoise Hardy
Canal +, document sur Françoise Hardy
MCM, document sur Beetlebum
MTV Europe Music Awards, The Universal
Noel Gallagher
Me Me Me, Hanging Around promo video
Me Me Me, Hanging Around, TOTP
Fat Les, Vindaloo promo video
Interview of Damon & Alex
Scott Walker's Meltdown 2000, Royal Festival Hall
At Home With Damon
Meltdown VCD
Blue Jeans
Trimm Trabb
Country Sad
To The End
Look Inside
Death of a Party
No Distance
On your Own
Ernold Same
Black Book
US Radio 93
Blur World Cup 1-4
Damon Intv 1-3
Damon On Gorillaz
Graham Intv
KRCW Session
MTV 120 mins
The "13" EPK video cassette
-a promo video of "Tender" filmed at Stockholm Munich Brewery on Feb. 11, 1999
- the "Song 2" promo video
-the official "Tender" promo video
-and interview clips of the band
length time : 19'50"
07243 879699 0 2
7-track AVCD
intro 1 & 2, 19-2000 video, 12D3, Dracula, Left Hand Suzuki Method, Hip Albatross
Dazed&Confused Promo CD ROM
GOR 002
featuring the promo video for Tomorrow Comes Today +Band Biog & link to
Face, un film de Antonia Bird, ©1997
The Best Of
7243 492433 9 2
released October, 2000
No Distance Left To Run
released December 13,'99
"NO DISTANCE LEFT TO RUN" - full promotional Video + facts about sleep
Interview with each band member shot at the Video
Tender - Live Video
Battle - Live Video
Beagle 2 - Space Footage
The tracks were filmed at the Depot gig in March '99
Vorace, un film de Antonia Bird, ©2001
Gorillaz - Tomorrow Comes Today
DVDR 6573
released February 25, 2002
Tomorrow Comes Today (DVD Video), Film Music (audio), Tomorrow Dub (audio), 'Jump the gut' PT. 1 (30"), ), 'Jump the gut' PT. 2 (30")
Gorillaz - PHASE 1 : CELEBRITY TAKE DOWN (limited special edition)
PM: 910
released November 18, 2002
It features:
- 5 gorillaz videos presented in 5.1 surround sound - Clint Eastwood, 19/2000, Tomorrow Comes Today, Rock the House, and the unfinished video for 5/4, original storyboards and animatics
- multi angle 'live performance' from the Brit Awards incl. Exclusive Mandarin version
- 5 "gorilla bites" (short animation pieces)
- Gorillaz gallery
- website tour
- visuals from the gorillaz live show
- interview with frontman 2d
- Dr Wurzek's winnebago
- "the charts of darkness" - gorillaz behind the scenes documentary
- hidden extras
The bonus cd-rom features 8 screensavers, 2 games, 12 wallpapers and the key to the future of
It includes 52-page full colour illustrated history of gorillaz and an exclusive sticker sheet
Out Of Time
DVDR 6606
Released April 14, 2003
Out Of Time (Video), Money Makes Me Crazy (Marrakech Mix), Tune 2, Out Of Time (Director's Commentary)
DigitalRock Vision4 - le premier magazine de rock sur DVD (Damon cover)
July 2003
une émission exclusive avec Blur (filmée à Malakoff, 9/4/03) ; 'Crazy Beat' promo video
Crazy Beat
DVDR 6610
Released July 7, 2003
Crazy Beat (Video), Don't Be, The Outsider, Crazy Beat animatic video footage
Good Song
DVDR 6619
Released October 6, 2003
1. Good Song (video) ; 2. Me, White Noise (Alternate Version) ; 3. Morricone ; 4. Good Song (animatic footage)
"Good Songs from Brixton" 2-12-2003
Brixton Academy
DVD bootleg
total length: 103m
quality: A+
7243 4 90899 9 0
Released October 4, 2004
Starshaped ; Live in Kilburn ; Live at the Princess Charlotte ; alternative version of There’s No Other Way
Gorillaz - Demon Days Live
00946 356244 9 6
Released March 27, 2006
Demon Days: Live at the Manchester Opera compiles the live performances from 1-5 November 2005 at the Manchester Opera House that recreated the Demon Days studio album.
Gorillaz - Phase Two: Slowboat to Hades
0946 3 74462 9 4
Released October, 2006
2 disc set DVD + CD ROM
DVD disc features: Promo Videos & Animatics: Feel Good Inc., DARE, Dirty Harry, El Mañana and Rock It - B-Side Visuals Trailers - Live Performances Idents Gorillabite Speeches Interviews Gags - Hidden Extras
CD ROM disc features: Full-Screen Screensavers Wallpapers - hidden, and achievement based extras
50999 698972 9 0
Released June, 2009
91mns + 62 mn Bonus
Blur - No Distance Left To Run
50999 60974594
Released January, 2010
Disc 1: No Distance Left To Run
Feature length documentary film
Running Time - 98 mins
Disc 2: Hyde Park concert film, July 2009
She's So High. Girls & Boys. Tracy Jacks. There's No Other Way. Jubilee. Badhead. Beetlebum. Out of Time. Trimm Trabb. Coffee and TV. Tender. Country House. Oily Water. Chemical World. Sunday Sunday. Parklife. End of a Century. To the End. This is a Low. Popscene. Advert. Song 2. Death of a Party. For Tomorrow. The Universal.
Running Time - 126 mins